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IP属地:山东来自Android客户端1楼2024-05-11 06:29回复
    For an average guy like myself, it's only natural to feel flattered by a bit of (public) acclaim.

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端3楼2024-05-12 12:03
      As an average Joe, isn't it normal for me to feel good for gaining some fame? But to be honest, I'm not a go-getter. I always say that "I was and am not ambitious in my youth, middle-age and seniority".

      IP属地:广东6楼2024-05-12 20:34

        IP属地:山东来自Android客户端7楼2024-05-13 06:50
          It's nothing extraordinary for someone as ordinary as me to gloat over the little fame I have. That said, I have to add that never have I ever tried to fish for fame. I often tell people that lofty ambitions have never been part of my life throughout my early years, middle years, or late years. I am being truthful on this. A little bit of fame is sufficient and good enough, but things are going way too far. There are already a few biographies published, and more in writing, along with a greater number of articles. Not surprisingly, these writings are full of nice words and indeed effusive praises. With due respect, I seldom read any of these biographies or articles. While I do appreciate the authors for their work and good intentions, I, as I often say, am hardly worthy those compliments but they do inspire and encourage me.
          I feel so much humbled.

          IP属地:山东8楼2024-05-13 12:29
            I'm just a ordinary man. So it is normal for me to feel delighted after realizing I have gained certain reputation .but one thing I want to make it clear is that I didn't wheel and deal for being well known . Growing up, I'm not that ambitious, I know that. and I'm always content with small achievement.

            IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端9楼2024-05-15 12:53