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2011-05-04 今天心情好转


小心翼翼的把自己的烂论文交给组里的同学看,他看的时候很严肃,我以为自己又写得很渣了,难过的不得了,结果他看完了对我说:it's good. Nice.
I asked him if it's ok to use or need some correction. He helped me correct the essay from the beginning to the end carefully. Then he gave me the finish one. We gonna have a group meeting on Monday and I think Im lucky since almost everyone in my group is serious to this assignment.
After the class, I went to Windy's with Patzy and Varna. We havnt been having morning tea together in Windys for a long time. We saw the graduation march of AU. Amazing!!Splendid!!I was wondering one day I can wear that kind of coat and have a cool march around the city!
We want to graduate together. Varna said she doesnt want to graduate with somebody else. Sooooooo nice!!!
and at nite, we went to watch a chinese movie. so funny!!! this is the first time Ive been to Imax. its nice and comforatble.
in a word, today is a nice day. lol

1楼2011-05-04 19:01回复

    IP属地:北京2楼2011-10-04 11:58